KNOWLEDGE BASEAssistance in the development of the character
CASTLEStatistics of the lands of the game world
Raid (GC)
At the moment there are the following fees for services trustee: 5% of the transaction amount.
Pay attention to nick, Nicky proxies are painted in green color, beware!
Rules of carrying out transactions
standard arrangement transactions
Memo party transactions:
Memo Trustee:
At the moment there are the following fees for services trustee: 5% of the transaction amount.
Pay attention to nick, Nicky proxies are painted in green color, beware!
Trusted people to help with the sale of characters on the server Raid (GC)
Trustee's name | Status online |
DL.=Casper= | ![]() |
- Trustee (hereinafter DL) does NOT support and is NOT an administrator we are not able to rename the account/character, thoroughly check the characters involved in the transaction, can not give a 100% guarantee that the pure characters (it can only make the administration), can not give a 100% guarantee that in the event any problems instantly solved (but can contribute to the speedy resolution). DL can't check the character on the presence of Ban chat be prepared for the fact that you need to be quiet for a while. Always remember that DL normal player is endowed with certain powers but with no special rights and privileges. Also remember that this is a very busy man with loaded with PM, which is also sometimes wants to swing and may have other games or real case except your transaction. DL is not able to read minds and almost doesn't read white chat if you have something you want - write in Privat. It is useless to sit quietly in Church or throwing the party, also it is useless to scream in white, yellow, pink and any other color except private chat.
- In case of problems with purchased/exchanged the character of the player HIMSELF must write on forum and bring information to the administration is the problem, very useful apart from creating themes to write any of the administrators via Email. Necessarily in the subject to indicate that the transaction was carried out with DL (DL to include your username and transaction details), after that, you should contact the specified DL and without hysteria to describe the problem, explain where is the subject in which DL will NEED to unsubscribe (I had to confirm the transaction and to describe all conditions and participants of the transaction). the
- if you don't like the name of a new account or name a new character you may CHOOSE for a fee to change them on the website under "my account". We do not provide such services! the
- if sold, exchanged character is on the same account with any other character are of value to you should transfer your character (preferably extra, not the one which is on sale - otherwise there will be information about the IP) to another account.
- Players have to find sellers or those who wish to exchange characters. Then the player writes DL in private, comes to the temple of Giran and waiting their turn. The place we live, it is useless to write in private what you will be next if you don't come to the temple of Giran to the end of the current transaction holds a new LONG deal with those present in the temple. Of transactions to be SURE all participants should be in the temple of Giran, and is the party with DL. During the exchange of characters, it is desirable to deal not replaceable character. the
- If you have a complex password (for example 534FIsadf43fdsY), before carrying out the transaction change it to something simple. For you this password easy and familiar for us. A complex password leads to errors in the recording and set, the DL will have to ask again and score again. And we and you waste time. After you provide the password for DL, we will DEFINITELY change so difficult in the password just does not make sense.
Also if your username or password to read Russian for example (gtnzukfl - petalled) write it in English and then transcribe it in Russian. This simple surgery will save time for you and for us.
the - If you cannot access the website, you have a problem with authorization in a private office or other problems associated with the gaming site before you call DL to solve them! In the transaction process you will NEED to visit the site, check data and be SURE to change the password. May simply clear your Cookies (In Internet Explorer Tools => Internet options => Delete Cookies in Opera - Tools => more options => Cookies in the opened window looking for or and press the "Delete" button). If you can't visit the site, or can't change the password DL has the right to refuse to perform the transaction, as the password in the transaction process gives you the DL needs to be changed to a password that ONLY you know. This is necessary in order to avoid unpleasant situations.
- Sell character for adena.
DL takes the participants of the transaction at the party, finds out all the data (best-selling nick character, LVL, Prof, the amount of the transaction and determine who will pay for the transaction), then the DL collects all the money (the money for the transaction and the money for the character). The seller shall notify DL in a PERSONAL account and password (preferably before you deal them to do the same). DL goes to the site and validates the data. DL is required to verify LVL, Prof, Karma, visits by IP, ban accounts and ban players. Items in the inventory or in stock DL is NOT obliged to check if the player has left on the character or the stock stuff that's HIS problem. Then DL said the fact checks if the IP is not all right we discussed this point, finds out the seller information, and informs the buyer that "LONG for the purity of character is not responsible!", then at the further request of the buyer to continue with the transaction DL changes the passwords on password changes DL makes the same password on the website and the game and instead of the email enter "new password" (for example new password on the site and the game so 123456 Email In a personal purchaser account and a new password, also in PM is written about the need to change the password to DL in the future was not responsible for the possible theft of the character. The buyer is given time to verify the data and change the password. The seller reported what the buyer provided the information and what answer is expected of the buyer. After the buyer confirms that the data is checked and the password has changed - give the money to the seller.
the - Swap characters.
It is advisable to come to such transaction do not trade characters!
Also in the party turns out all the data in a personal DL notify both parties account and password. DL takes money for the transaction. DL checks all the details as in the first paragraph, just in the PARTY to find out the nuances of IP. After clarification of all details and the willingness of players to continue the deal - change the passwords on both accounts. Passwords and accounts are communicated to the parties to the transaction to the PM, members come first ONLY on website and not in game (so as not to throw another party to the transaction before it will check whether the password), changing passwords. Then, to affirm both sides about the password change, players come new characters.
the - Sell character for things.
The transaction is carried out according to the same scheme as for adena. DL should take the players money for carrying out transactions and buy THINGS for the character. Things in the trade SHOW the second participant to confirm the completeness and quantity. Then all of the first diagram.
the - Transactions with "things"
Sell the character for things and not for adena (nipples, arrows, and resources as a means of payment are not accepted in view of their great weight), it is possible for items and adena.
For example: Sold for 2 CP top puhi, Drake and 300K additional cost.
Restrictions:- should DL to conduct a transaction if the number of things does not exceed 10 pieces. As in this case, it is impossible to accurately determine the amount of the transaction the Commission for the transactions that DL is set on the basis of HIS understanding of the value of items + cheat for complexity but not more than 250K. the
- In case of things more than 10 pieces a transaction is carried out or not carried out at the discretion of DL and be prepared for the fact that the cost of this transaction will be maximum 250K regardless of the value of things.
These restrictions are imposed in connection with the additional complexity of conducting such transactions, and due to the fact that in the case of the dubious history of the administration of things will be harder to figure out all the details of their origin and existence.
The concept deals with "things" does not include the exchange or sale of the characters with things not involved in the deal. The character in the exchange/sale should be without things of value to you and not involved in the transaction. Be prepared before calling DL in advance to take care of things on the character, in his inventory or in the warehouse. Give your things to another player (the second window or the bot), ask trusted friends to hold your stuff.
Also in the concept deals with "things" does not include the sharing of things such as: sharing Sorka in avadon with top armor +3 at TX tech +3 with top armor.
First is simply sharing the characters according to the standard scheme, after that, you're in the bargaining share things, in this case there is no risk and LONG here is not good. Just put things to trade in the trade window, wait until the second party of the deal will lay out things slowly, check everything and click Yes.
- we kindly ask you to do without rudeness, arrogance, pocatella, comparison with other DL and Mata when dealing with DL. If you don't like how this particular DL performs a transaction you can go to another. DL has the right to refuse to conduct the transaction correctly communicating entities and add them to the block. the
- Be patient, check the character takes time, there are problems with the site and the Internet connection as the parties to the transaction, and at the DL. Note that DL should not believe or not believe, and required to verify all the facts of the transaction and the information about IP. Your words in the last hour IP has changed because you're from another play it's only words, DL has the right not to believe you (as if we didn't like), DL has facts and only facts. Be prepared for questions and take them correctly and safely, do not start yelling: “you don't believe me”, “think Persian stolen”, “well, what if the IP has changed and a lot of different IP on the account – what is up with”. the
- Following these simple rules will greatly simplify and expedite the work of the Trustees. Which helps to reduce queues and save your time and nerves.
- Learn nick sold/swapped character.
- On the website, in the section "List of players", type in the username and check its availability/floor.
- Check the enter the nickname of a character in the "Rename" tracing the history of renaming this character.
- Forum, under "Search" enter the nickname of the character, and search the forum. The search will show all the themes, which met this nick. Check that there are no themes in the complaints book. (A recent renaming of a character, be sure and check out the former nick)
- When you are searching For DL, be sure to pay attention to the color. Nicky proxies colored in green color, beware! Don't settle for transactions with a remote ... that place! In 99% of cases is a fraud!
- to a transaction, the Trustee is required to verify the inputs on the account and inform the parties to the transaction of any suspicious changes (often changing IP, changing IP for 1-3 days prior to the transaction)
- the Trustee has no right to require that any amount exceeding the maximum limit set by the administration.
- the Trustee is PROHIBITED from: nick change, sale or exchange of account of the character without informing and obtaining consent from the administration. And so the transfer character 2m individuals (friends/relatives/etc)
- the Trustee has no right to conduct transactions third-party characters! The transaction nick For must conform to the official colours and is in the registry of the proxies server.
- In case of loss of control as a result of hacking or otherwise, DL is OBLIGATED to IMMEDIATELY inform the administration and try to control the actions of the character.
- In case of problems with the transaction, DL is OBLIGED to unsubscribe to the forum in the topic created by the player who is having a problem, inform all the details and to give maximum information about the transaction to facilitate the work of the administration.
- DL not eligible to participate in cross-server transactions, the transactions between the servers are the players themselves (at your own risk). Administration for server-to-server transactions is not responsible!