KNOWLEDGE BASEAssistance in the development of the character
CASTLEStatistics of the lands of the game world
Raid (GC)
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# | Имя персонажа | Начало бана | Конец бана | Кто забанил | Причина |
901. | 2_Dzx | 14/05/11 21:42:34 | 28/09/38 20:42:34 | Leonse | Продажа за реал (форум Ден123) |
902. | 4_egwergerwgew | 14/05/11 18:43:56 | 28/09/38 17:43:56 | Leonse | - |
903. | 3_wqfqwfqw | 14/05/11 18:43:49 | 28/09/38 17:43:49 | Leonse | - |
904. | 2_gvreghereherherh | 14/05/11 18:43:44 | 28/09/38 17:43:44 | Leonse | - |
905. | 2_fgrgergerger | 14/05/11 00:03:51 | 27/09/38 23:03:51 | Leonse | - |
906. | 3_regregreger | 14/05/11 00:03:41 | 27/09/38 23:03:41 | Leonse | - |
907. | 4_TEFAL | 13/05/11 23:59:19 | 27/09/38 22:59:19 | Leonse | До выяснения (Kenny) |
908. | 4_NightDancer | 13/05/11 23:59:09 | 27/09/38 22:59:09 | Leonse | До выяснения (Kenny) |
909. | 4_IchWill | 13/05/11 23:58:54 | 27/09/38 22:58:54 | Leonse | До выяснения (Kenny) |
910. | 4_dsdsgds | 13/05/11 23:56:27 | 27/09/38 22:56:27 | supportr4 | Ereama: реал |
911. | 4_MofkaCmoEbannoe | 13/05/11 23:40:45 | 27/09/38 22:40:45 | supportr4 | Ereama: запрещённый ник |
912. | 4_4mordano | 13/05/11 22:36:32 | 27/09/38 21:36:32 | Leonse | Владелец SouSage (Kenny) |
913. | 4_vhjvhv | 13/05/11 00:59:15 | 26/09/38 23:59:15 | Leonse | - |
914. | 3_fgergherher | 13/05/11 00:59:11 | 26/09/38 23:59:11 | Leonse | - |
915. | 2_vhh | 13/05/11 00:59:07 | 26/09/38 23:59:07 | Leonse | - |
916. | 4_kentyxa | 12/05/11 23:20:08 | 26/09/38 22:20:08 | Leonse | Взлом one2 |
917. | 4_oneKamik | 12/05/11 23:17:05 | 26/09/38 22:17:05 | Leonse | Взлом one2 |
918. | 4_TeAdOrR | 12/05/11 23:16:47 | 26/09/38 22:16:47 | Leonse | Взлом one2 |
919. | 3_nmbbjbdf | 12/05/11 21:17:30 | 26/09/38 20:17:30 | Leonse | - |
920. | 2_gthtrjntr | 12/05/11 21:17:11 | 26/09/38 20:17:11 | Leonse | - |
921. | 4_jkgjvhcvh | 12/05/11 21:16:52 | 26/09/38 20:16:52 | Leonse | - |
922. | 2_dsvdsvds | 12/05/11 13:56:23 | 26/09/38 12:56:23 | Leonse | - |
923. | 2_gcgcdjcd | 11/05/11 23:05:42 | 25/09/38 22:05:42 | Leonse | реал |
924. | 4_LosWen | 11/05/11 17:31:02 | 25/09/38 16:31:02 | Leonse | Развод игроков |
925. | 2_dfhdshsd | 10/05/11 21:18:22 | 24/09/38 20:18:22 | Leonse | - |
926. | 3_fhfdhdh | 10/05/11 21:18:20 | 24/09/38 20:18:20 | Leonse | - |
927. | 4_gjfgtj | 10/05/11 21:18:14 | 24/09/38 20:18:14 | Leonse | - |
928. | 3_TheSting | 10/05/11 21:16:06 | 24/09/38 20:16:06 | Leonse | Хозяин BauBauBau |
929. | 3_TheSt1ng | 10/05/11 21:15:20 | 24/09/38 20:15:20 | Leonse | Хозяин BauBauBau |
930. | 3_TheQu1ck | 10/05/11 21:14:41 | 24/09/38 20:14:41 | Leonse | Хозяин BauBauBau |
931. | 3_BauBauBau | 10/05/11 21:13:18 | 24/09/38 20:13:18 | Leonse | реал |
932. | 2_gbthtrhtr | 10/05/11 01:00:23 | 24/09/38 00:00:23 | Patek | реал |
933. | 2_cxvxcdfgs | 08/05/11 17:58:03 | 22/09/38 16:58:03 | Patek | реал |
934. | 4_fdhdhdf | 07/05/11 21:38:32 | 21/09/38 20:38:32 | Leonse | - |
935. | 3_fdhdfhdf | 07/05/11 21:38:28 | 21/09/38 20:38:28 | Leonse | - |
936. | 2_dgfewtwet | 07/05/11 21:38:22 | 21/09/38 20:38:22 | Leonse | - |
937. | 4_fhdfhdf | 07/05/11 19:51:48 | 21/09/38 18:51:48 | Leonse | - |
938. | 3_fhnfdhdfh | 07/05/11 19:51:43 | 21/09/38 18:51:43 | Leonse | - |
939. | 2_dsgewge | 07/05/11 19:51:40 | 21/09/38 18:51:40 | Leonse | - |
940. | 2_top76 | 07/05/11 00:59:23 | 20/09/38 23:59:23 | Leonse | До выяснения |
941. | 3_fshsdfhshdsh | 07/05/11 00:49:11 | 20/09/38 23:49:11 | Leonse | - |
942. | 2_thjutrjutfr | 07/05/11 00:48:22 | 20/09/38 23:48:22 | Leonse | - |
943. | 4_gsdgwegwet | 07/05/11 00:45:54 | 20/09/38 23:45:54 | Leonse | - |
944. | 2_dfdfghdfsgdf | 06/05/11 01:11:43 | 20/09/38 00:11:43 | Leonse | - |
945. | 2_fefewgew | 05/05/11 22:06:19 | 19/09/38 21:06:19 | Leonse | - |
946. | 3_RastaMaster | 04/05/11 00:04:52 | 17/09/38 23:04:52 | Leonse | До выяснения |
947. | 3_Waterdeepl | 04/05/11 00:03:41 | 17/09/38 23:03:41 | Leonse | До выяснения |
948. | 3_daffys | 03/05/11 13:50:38 | 17/09/38 12:50:38 | Leonse | Взлом игроков |
949. | 2_MAPYCYA | 02/05/11 23:22:16 | 16/09/38 22:22:16 | Leonse | Взлом lPrototypEl |
950. | 2_Diazzz | 02/05/11 23:01:55 | 16/09/38 22:01:55 | Leonse | Взлом lPrototypEl |
951. | 2_zcgvdsgd | 29/04/11 17:42:22 | 13/09/38 16:42:22 | Leonse | - |
952. | 3_xfhdfhd | 29/04/11 17:42:18 | 13/09/38 16:42:18 | Leonse | - |
953. | 2_fxdsfhdh | 29/04/11 15:42:45 | 13/09/38 14:42:45 | Leonse | - |
954. | 2_dfxgdfger | 28/04/11 23:42:27 | 12/09/38 22:42:27 | Leonse | - |
955. | 3_sgt344 | 28/04/11 23:15:48 | 12/09/38 22:15:48 | Leonse | - |
956. | 4_ergtdrsg | 28/04/11 21:34:49 | 12/09/38 20:34:49 | Leonse | - |
957. | 3_dsfdsfsf | 28/04/11 21:34:17 | 12/09/38 20:34:17 | Leonse | - |
958. | 2_dfgfdsgdff | 28/04/11 21:34:13 | 12/09/38 20:34:13 | Leonse | - |
959. | 2_vfrreberber | 28/04/11 21:20:37 | 12/09/38 20:20:37 | Leonse | - |
960. | 2_adfgsdegf | 27/04/11 23:41:49 | 11/09/38 22:41:49 | Leonse | реал |
961. | 2_HEKPu4EK | 27/04/11 22:09:40 | 11/09/38 21:09:40 | Leonse | Взлом xxxALIENSxxx |
962. | 2_sssq | 27/04/11 21:59:37 | 11/09/38 20:59:37 | Leonse | взлом игроков |
963. | 2_dsfgrger | 27/04/11 16:27:25 | 11/09/38 15:27:25 | Leonse | реал |
964. | 2_dsgvsddsegt | 27/04/11 14:13:19 | 11/09/38 13:13:19 | Leonse | реал |
965. | 3_Selez | 25/04/11 01:42:18 | 09/09/38 00:42:18 | Leonse | реал |
966. | 4_Vben | 24/04/11 23:22:56 | 08/09/38 22:22:56 | Leonse | реал |
967. | 2_Vertz | 24/04/11 23:21:04 | 08/09/38 22:21:04 | Leonse | реал |
968. | n_fdbdfbdfbdfbdf | 21/04/11 23:36:50 | 05/09/38 22:36:50 | Leonse | реал |
969. | 4_ewgtewtewt | 21/04/11 19:17:36 | 05/09/38 18:17:36 | supportr4 | Реал |
970. | n_sasfasasgadsg | 20/04/11 20:41:22 | 04/09/38 19:41:22 | Leonse | реал |
971. | 2_gerherherh | 20/04/11 20:40:36 | 04/09/38 19:40:36 | Leonse | реал |
972. | 4_ewgewhewh | 20/04/11 20:40:27 | 04/09/38 19:40:27 | Leonse | реал |
973. | 4_ewfewgewg | 20/04/11 20:40:21 | 04/09/38 19:40:21 | Leonse | реал |
974. | 3_fewfewgew | 20/04/11 19:38:28 | 04/09/38 18:38:28 | Leonse | реал |
975. | 2_reherherhr | 20/04/11 19:38:27 | 04/09/38 18:38:27 | Leonse | реал |
976. | 3_frbgerbherh | 20/04/11 19:19:34 | 04/09/38 18:19:34 | Leonse | реал |
977. | 4_fewfewf | 20/04/11 19:17:29 | 04/09/38 18:17:29 | Leonse | реал |
978. | 2_vfvrberbreb | 20/04/11 19:17:24 | 04/09/38 18:17:24 | Leonse | реал |
979. | 2_gre43g34g | 20/04/11 19:17:19 | 04/09/38 18:17:19 | Leonse | реал |
980. | 3_43f34f34 | 20/04/11 19:17:13 | 04/09/38 18:17:13 | Leonse | реал |
981. | 4_rgfergergerg | 20/04/11 18:42:54 | 04/09/38 17:42:54 | Leonse | реал |
982. | 3_453454353 | 20/04/11 18:42:50 | 04/09/38 17:42:50 | Leonse | реал |
983. | n_hjkjk | 20/04/11 18:28:55 | 04/09/38 17:28:55 | Leonse | реал |
984. | 2_gbtrbtbtrb | 20/04/11 18:28:45 | 04/09/38 17:28:45 | Leonse | реал |
985. | 4_JuNkieS | 19/04/11 23:12:28 | 03/09/38 22:12:28 | Leonse | Хозяин Spartiaths |
986. | 4_Spartiaths | 19/04/11 23:06:38 | 03/09/38 22:06:38 | Leonse | Взлом DEBkaMOHK |
987. | 2_rgbtbtrbtrbtrb | 18/04/11 23:37:14 | 02/09/38 22:37:14 | Leonse | реал |
988. | n_cewferwer | 18/04/11 23:37:09 | 02/09/38 22:37:09 | Leonse | реал |
989. | 4_Gimlie | 18/04/11 17:13:23 | 02/09/38 16:13:23 | Leonse | Взлом Messiah |
990. | n_vevewvhiewhvgewu | 18/04/11 02:23:42 | 02/09/38 01:23:42 | Leonse | Реал |
991. | 2_Shozy | 18/04/11 01:17:24 | 02/09/38 00:17:24 | Leonse | Взлом Hardos |
992. | n_Kalmate | 14/04/11 19:45:46 | 29/08/38 18:45:46 | Leonse | Vargos: развод |
993. | 2_danil55 | 13/04/11 00:02:23 | 27/08/38 23:02:23 | Leonse | Взлом 1DJyleta1 |
994. | 2_kainaBD | 13/04/11 00:01:29 | 27/08/38 23:01:29 | Leonse | Взлом 1DJyleta1 |
995. | 2_danil5588 | 13/04/11 00:01:00 | 27/08/38 23:01:00 | Leonse | Взлом 1DJyleta1 |
996. | 2_TryEm | 09/04/11 23:16:17 | 24/08/38 22:16:17 | Leonse | Продажа за реал |
997. | 3_4y6a | 09/04/11 02:41:17 | 24/08/38 01:41:17 | Leonse | Развод игрока (р2 Zhoskiy) |
998. | 2_Eneme | 09/04/11 02:40:05 | 24/08/38 01:40:05 | Leonse | Хозяин Zhoskiy |
999. | 2_Zhoskiy | 09/04/11 02:39:54 | 24/08/38 01:39:54 | Leonse | Развод (межсерверная) |
1000. | k_vira | 08/04/11 07:52:58 | 23/08/38 06:52:58 | Leonse | Взлом игроков |
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